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Photovolatic Glass making astonishing progress

At Helix Solar, we offer an unbeatable range of solar products from all sorts of top-tier manufacturers such as JA Solar, UKSOL, and Longi. While currently the market is flooded with the same traditional solar panels, soon enough we will see new innovations in the renewables sector, this is something that we at Helix Solar are very used to because of the constant adaptations and progress the market is able to make time and time again. We have kept up with these changes to great effect since our incorporation, repeatedly expanding our capabilities by delving into new ideas such as Coolnomix and DBO which stray away from the more common solutions such as solar or EV charging.

Coolnomix Page on the Helix-50 site -

For example, over the last 20 years, solar has seen constant alterations which have aimed to see the market grow exponentially and have successfully done so by producing a cheaper and more effective product as time went on. But now the next big thing in the solar industry is well on its way, transparent solar panel technology is seeing more and more development as investment is heavily progressing its research and viability.

Now you're probably asking, what is a transparent solar panel. Transparent solar panels - also known as photovoltaic glass - are see-through (obviously) and intend to replace glass, basically, you could replace a window with a transparent solar panel and it would function both as a regular window but with the added benefit of producing energy which is converted from the UV and infrared light rays that the panel picks up. Think of all the glass you see in your day-to-day life, on your phone screen and other screens you use, windows and glass walls of all kinds in your office, home, or city.

So much potential is there, this image here could one day all be solar glass, just think of the benefits. Imagine no longer needing to charge your phone because it is self-sufficient thanks to solar, or having your living room window generate the energy to keep the lights on in the very same room, your reliance on the grid would be minimal and many parts of your life would go from consuming lots of energy to producing instead. It's also a much better choice than what is available now because traditional solar panels are somewhat costly from the start (our PPA is a brilliant solution to this, visit the PPE page here to read more: and for the most part are only a plausible option on rooftops and in fields/empty areas, but aren't able to cover the same amount of ground that photovoltaic glass would in an urban environment.

At the moment, this technology is possible with 100% transparency, meaning it is viable to use as a window and other similar items. However, there is currently somewhat of a tradeoff between efficiency and transparency, meaning panels with lower transparency can pick up UV & light rays far more easily than their clearer counterparts. This is why right now it is unlikely that photovoltaic glass will overtake the solar panels that currently flood the market, however with more research, it is entirely possible that sometime in the near future they could be a great supplement to what already leads the market.

Even if the world isn't quite yet ready for photovoltaic glass, we can still offer you a quality selection of solar and other renewable products from reputable manufacturers such as JA Solar, UKSOL, and Giv Energy.

To find out more about what we can do or to enquire about our services contact us at or 01302 897778

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